Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I'm sorry it has been a while since Raise Hell Over the Summer released new music. I've been sitting on a bunch of tracks, but with schedules and life, the boys can be hard to get up with and record.

Moving forward RHOTS is going to go back to being a recording project for the foreseeable future. I may have some of the guys come sit in, and maybe even some new heads. We'll see.

That brings me to Mind Eraser, a new single I just released. It's a song about my mother and Alzheimer's disease, which she tragically lost her battle with. I have a few other tracks with similar themes as it was a long progressively hard thing to deal with, and obviously "you write what you know". So expect some other happy songs to follow this up at some point.

Regarding the music, I wrote the main riff and lead a long time ago as an idea for The Cabana Kids that never got used. I resurrected it recently and expanded on it. I like the outcome and hope you do too.

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